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..★.¸. MISS EARTH 2022 ..★.¸. ..★.¸. ★ Coronada: Mina Sue Choi


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#MissEarth Ireland 2022 is 18 year-old Alannah Larkin, from Eyrecourt in beautiful Co. Galway. She’s currently in her final year of high school and will be sitting her exams over the next couple of weeks.

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Saitama’s Manae Matsumoto was recently crowned as this year’s #MissEarth Japan winner. The 25 year-old movie and calligraphy lover will be representing her country at the 22nd Miss Earth competition in the Philippines.

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Twenty-six year old medical doctor from Ipoh, Kajel Kaur, is #MissEarth Malaysia 2022. She is also an animals rights activist and has just started her own Non-Governmental Organization called “No Strays On Streets” to carry out stray animal feeding. Kajel believes that feeding strays the excess good food is one of the great ways to prevent food wastage.

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Beth Rice, a clinical research project manager, is this year's #MissEarth England. She is an active volunteer in her community, working to create social change and build a greener home. Beth has started her grassroots project, The Climate Scientist. Through workshops and videos, Beth aims to engage young people through climate science, reducing climate anxiety and promoting positive climate action. She advocates for an increase in climate education in classrooms and for climate issues to be included into national curriculums globally.

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#MissEarth Mexico 2022 is 24 year-old Indira Pérez Meneses. She is a comunicator specializing in Political Science, and is currently writing for a Mexican newspaper and a high school teacher, at the same time. Through media and schools, she carries out her ecological project called "Green Communication", which helps make the society aware of the importance of taking care of Mother Earth, by giving tips or advice to start from home.

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Dr. Sareesha Shrestha, a 25 year-old medical doctor, TV presenter and emcee is this year’s #MissEarth Nepal. She’s been actively working as a volunteer for the past years and has started her own initiative Sahayatri, an NGO aiming to uplift the disadvantaged communities. She’s also working for sustainable waste management and environmental health literacy.

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The newly crownd #MissEarth Netherlands 2022 is the 24 year old Merel Hendriksen. She has a Bachelor of Arts in Interior Design. Merel now works as a freelance interior designer, specialized in sustainable furniture, where she gives furniture a second life.

As she has the biggest heart for animals, Merel advocates for animal rights and well being.

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Congratulations to the new #MissEarth North Macedonia - Angela Vasilevska. She is a model and influencer, and has competed in many beauty competitions in the past years.

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Congratulations to the newly crowned #MissEarth Norway 2022, Lilly Sødal. She is into acting, modeling and the entertainment industry. In addition, she is a passionate entrepreneur in sustainable businesses.

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Nadeen Ayoub is #MissEarth Palestine 2022. She is a fitness, health coach and entrepreneur, who loves to help women take care of their physical and mental health, and believes it’s the first step to a better life.

In addition, she is also a humanitarian and has worked with charities to help children and families facing poverty. She is also working towards promoting environmental awareness in Palestine.

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#MissEarth Portugal 2022 is Maria Rosado. She is a 21 year-old student of journalism and communication, as she believes that communication has the power to change the world. She is also an activist for the protection of the fauna, and intends to make society aware of the gratitude and love, that we must give to Mother Earth.

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Paulina Aviles Feshold, 21 years old from Carolina, is #MissEarth Puerto Rico 2022. She is currently studying Environmental Architecture and practices equestrian sports.

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An advocate for sustainable living and actively campaigns and fundraises for environmental causes, Marcie Reid is indeed perfect for the #MissEarth Scotland title. She once organized a group climb of the tallest mountain in the UK, to raise thousands of pounds for charity!

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Imen Mehrzi, the representative from Kairouan, was crowned as the first #MissEarth Tunisia on February 19. She is a professional singer, TV host, actress and a Telecommunications Research Engineer.

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