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hace 2 horas, Norave dijo:

Ja ja ja Este tiene de hetero lo que lo que la Guilfu de bella

Que me importa que un caza bolas piensa de mi?...vayase a mm otra pi Nga guppy.

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hace 1 hora, shaknica_DIVA dijo:

Pero el jura que si 🥹

Una bi tch . Who knows nothing about me. But assumes that you do. I never had a conversation with you. Since your disrespectful,  go fuk your self

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hace 7 minutos, Full Metak Jacket dijo:

Una bi tch . Who knows nothing about me. But assumes that you do. I never had a conversation with you. Since your disrespectful,  go fuk your self

U go ful urself .and ur mama too

u said u were STRAIGHT.

don’t u iffin remember biatch?





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hace 17 minutos, shaknica_DIVA dijo:

U go ful urself .and ur mama too

u said u were STRAIGHT.

don’t u iffin remember biatch?

Againbadword . U know nothing about me. Obvious you have no class. Just another fa G from this forum. 

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hace 24 minutos, Full Metak Jacket dijo:

Againbadword . U know nothing about me. Obvious you have no class. Just another fa G from this forum. 

U calling a

really? Sorry but reported. U ugly platanero nigga





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hace 1 minuto, shaknica_DIVA dijo:

U calling a

really? Sorry but reported. U ugly platanero nigga

STFU! ch Ola biatch! 

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