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Guest LaNatalia Mála


1. Istanbul to Cairo, Middle East

İstanbul has a foot on two continents,making itanideal launchpad for the Middle East. This route works its way down through Turkey and into Syria, with an evocative bazaar at Aleppo and the spectacular cityof Damascus. Headdown to Jordan, pausing to admire the ruins of Petra and to float in the Dead Sea. Regardless of your faith,detouringto Jerusalem makes for a religious experience, then chill out with some Red Sea snorkelling. You’ll need the relaxation to prepare for crowded Cairo, where a trip outto the pyramids is a requirement.

2. East Coast Australia

Many backpackers kick this trip off in Sydney, with its glammed up beaches and iconic bridge drawing their attention.Some mightmeander as far southas Melbourne, the so-called Paris of the Southern Hemisphere, with its cosmopolitan culture and European weather (itsgreywinter isinfamous).Butthe more beaten-track trips north of Sydney,throughhippyhaven Byron Bay, which has awesome surf breaks. If you’re collecting capitals stop off at Brisbane, but most continue to tropical Cairns, a jumping-off point for cruising the Great Barrier Reef,the coral-jewelled necklace thatmakes the moststunningadornmenttothis coast.

3. Banana Pancake Trail

Most Southeast Asia trips start in Bangkok’s backpacker epicentre, Khao SanhRd, but hordes wander to the beaches of Ko Pha-Ngan or up-market Phuket.Many young travellers headto Cambodia’s Siem Reap to gape at the ancientcivilisations of Angkor Wat, before heading to Ho Chi Minh City and working their way north along Vietnam’s coast to the majestic rock formations of Halong Bay. To get off the trail a little more headinland toLaos’capital,Vientiane,or elephanttrek inKhao Yai National Park. Bangkok and Singapore are both hubs for airlines sothereare often cheap flights outof these cities to many other places in Asia.

4. North Island to South Island, New Zealand

The trail begins in Auckland, where plenty of backpackers enjoy the party life, then heads down to Rotorua for the volcanic sights and hangi (traditional Maorifeasting and performance). The route windsonthroughLake Taupo, a good spotfor skydiving and water sports. Thenmakefor windy Wellington with its cafe culture and kooky Beehive (nationalparliament).Fromhereyoucanhopacrosstothe South Island for whale-watching in Kaikoura before heading for Queenstown, the base for exploring spectacular FranzJosef and FoxGlaciers,or tearingupthe scenic waterways in a jet-boat.

5. Trans-Siberian Railway, Russia

Once the route of the tsars, this 9289km stretch of track is becoming a backpacker must-do. The classic route starts onthe coastin Vladivostok, rattling along to Moscow by way of the world’s deepest lake, Baikal, or stopping at Yekaterinburg, where the Romanov line oftsars came to a bloody end. The railway ends at magnificent Moscow with its gold-domed churches and austere Red Square, though it’s possible to go on to St Petersburg. For an alternative route,takethe Trans-Mongolian from Beijing and explore the steppes of Mongolia before meeting the mainline just near Lake Baikal – in fact many Western travellers use this route given the awkwardnessofreachingVladivostokfrommostpoints. Or,if you’re looking for a slightly quieter route toBeijing, there’sthe Trans-Manchurian line, which turns south east of Mongolia.

6. Route 66, USA

Few roads say Americana like this legendary gravel. While the name ceased to be used in 1985, youngadventurersstillpickupits pathtoseethe bestofthe USA. It begins in Chicago, where you can catch a Cubs game at Wrigley Field; further on, see legendary blues in St Louis.Putyour footonthe gastohit Kansas, in the heartland of long flat plains. The road cutsthroughthe Lone Star State of Texas, marking the halfway point with an epic junkyard sculpture. There’s more cow poking in New Mexico thenit’s onto Arizona, boasting the longest uninterrupted stretch of the originalroute. California builds to the oasis of Los Angeles, with Hollywood and Rodeo Drive the climax of the trip.

7. Cape Town to Cairo

Ewan McGregor rode a motorbike north tosouthover mostofthis course to discover it was a Long WayDown,butthis intrepidjourneycanbegin or end in Cape Town. If starting at the bottom,headnorth into Botswana, where you can cruise the rivers to spot elephants inthe Chobe NationalPark. Bear upinto Tanzania, known for catch-it-while-you-can snowcapped Mt Kilimanjaro, or listen to the thundering of wildebeest across Serengeti National Park. Enjoy the serenity now – some of Africa’s most difficult country lies ahead: Kenya, Ethiopia and Sudan are all struggling with conflict. At the journey’send, Cairo promises the pyramids and a bustling city.

8. Gringo Trail, Peru :love:

This popular loop links the country’sbiggest attractions.Fromupbeatcapital Lima the trail traces the coastsouthtoParacas,where anexcursionouttoIslas Ballestas to spot penguins and sealionsisideal.Toast Ica, Peru’s wine and pisco (grape liquor) capital, thenmove onto Nazca to fly over the enigmatic Nazca lines. You can ascend to Arequipa, the ‘whitecity’of colonial architecture, and continue to Puno, Peru’s port on Lake Titicaca. Hop on a bus to Cuzco for the archaeological mecca of South America, thenwalk the IncaTrail to Machu Picchu – or cheat and catch a train from Cuzco. FromlateMayuntilearlySeptember,MachuPicchu’s high season, 2500 people arrive at the siteper day – the maximum number allowed.

9. Europe by music festival

Don’t see Europe, hear it.Backpackers soakupthe summer sun and sounds by driving a Kombi between their favourite gigs. The granddaddy of them all is the UK’s Glastonbury, which has hosted big name rock acts plus comedy, circus and theatre since 1971. Another old-timer is Denmark’s Roskilde, with a heavy-rocking slant, or get folked-up at Baltica, the internationalfolkfestivalheldinEstonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Finland’s World Air Guitar Championships always stuns.The sweet End of the RoadFestival, also in the UK, is a low-key wind down with country-folk featuring strongly.

10. Silk Road

For centuries merchants have woven roadsback and forth between China and Europe, each with their own secret pathto transportsilk, spices and other goods to markets faster. The modernroad usuallystarts inChina’s Xi’an, home to the Terracotta Army of the Qin dynasty. It heads on to Urumqi, in China’s wild west Xinjiang province, before splittingintwo: one branchheading westinto Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, and another heading south to Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran.InnorthwesternChina,Dunhuang isanessential stop on the Silk Roadand isknownfor the MogaoCaves,which hold religious artefacts from all alongthe ancienttrading route.




8. Gringo Trail, Peru :love:

This popular loop links the country’sbiggest attractions.Fromupbeatcapital Lima the trail traces the coastsouthtoParacas,where anexcursionouttoIslas Ballestas to spot penguins and sealionsisideal.Toast Ica, Peru’s wine and pisco (grape liquor) capital, thenmove onto Nazca to fly over the enigmatic Nazca lines. You can ascend to Arequipa, the ‘whitecity’of colonial architecture, and continue to Puno, Peru’s port on Lake Titicaca. Hop on a bus to Cuzco for the archaeological mecca of South America, thenwalk the IncaTrail to Machu Picchu – or cheat and catch a train from Cuzco. FromlateMayuntilearlySeptember,MachuPicchu’s high season, 2500 people arrive at the siteper day – the maximum number allowed.

Guest LaNatalia Mála


Yo tengo planes para el próximo año... llevaré al noruego (y dejare q se pierda) :wub:

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