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TOP 3 PowerHouses en los 80's - Miss Universo

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FOURTH DECADE (1982 to 1991)

This decade is the rise of the domination of many latin countries in the pageant. Aside from Brazil and Venezuela, emerging latin countries like Puerto Rico, Mexico, and Chile started to become visible in the pageant's semi-finalists. Venezuela and United States also became a clear competitor in the pageant for both of these countries penetrated the semi-finals year after year.

WINNER: VENEZUELA - 9 out of 10 (1 crown)



Venezuela boosted its national pageants after the country won 2 Miss Universe Crowns in 3 years. After that, Venezuela became the very new powerhouse of Miss Universe along with the United States. With the emergence of Venezuela as the new powerhouse, rivalry with United States also began. The 9 placements out of 10 years was tough, it includes the crown of Barbara Palacios Teyde, 2nd Runner Up, Two 3rd Runners Up, Top 6 finish, and Top 10 finishes. Venezuela became so hot this decade, and actually ousted United States from the top spot for the second time.




United States repeated its perfect 10 placements, but sadly, there is no crown this decade. Three ladies got 1st Runner Up finishes and almost grab the crown but didn't make it. Those crowns were given to emerging countries in the pageant. Amidst all of these, the United States is still worthy of its position at Top 2 for having a perfect 10 placement!

2ND RUNNER UP: CHILE - 5 out of 10 (1 crown)



Believe it or not, the Top 3 spot goes to Chile! This country which is the longest in the world managed to place 5 times in this decade. It includes the victory of Cecilia Bolocco in 1987. Aside from that, the country had Top 6 and Three Top 10 finishes in the pageant. Chile proves that it's ladies are as fine as those ladies in their neighboring countries such as Brazil, Venezuela, and Colombia.

Honorable Mention: Mexico (1 crown, 2nd Runner Up, 4th Runner Up, Top 6)

Editado por diegochile

Uff esos fueron los años dorados de chile en miss universo¡¡¡


Muy interesante! Ojalá Chile regrese a esa etapa este año! La corona de México fué en los 90's ;)

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