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-.-..--.CObERtura Del VictorIA SEcrets FashION shOW 2014-2015 .EL eVENTo del Año!.l Arrivals


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Gilded Angels, promising "goddesses drenched in gold leaf" opens the show; Exotic Traveller sees the models adorned with mirrors and jewels exploring "Mongolian, Asian and Indian influences"Fairy Tale melds Shakespeare with the Brothers Grimm dressing the girls as "firefly-like pixies" - expect wings aplenty; Dream Girl will transport us back to the Fifties, channelling a boudoir babe in fluffy slippers; University of Pink takes the company's younger label to the street with graffiti prints and oodles of attitude, inspired by Jeremy Scott, Kenzo and vintage Versace; while this year's finale is Angel Ball - a monochromatic celebration of both classic tuxedos and elegant gowns.





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